gingerbread panther latte

The Gingerbread Panther Latte is a super simple addition to your warm cocktail repertoire! The spiced rum in Panther M*lk is enhanced by the flavour of the more-ish gingerbread syrup creating the purrfect winter warmer.

  • Ingredients

    • 100ml Panther M*lk Coffee
    • Generous glug of gingerbread syrup
    • Whipped cream
    • Gingerbread man for dipping
    • Chocolate shavings
  • Method

    • Warm your Panther M*lk Coffee in either a pan or microwave
    • Add to heatproof glass
    • Add generous glug of gingerbread syrup and stir vigorously
    • Top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings
    • Stick your gingerbread man in for garnish
    • ENJOY!
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